D-Day passes with favor

It’s over. She got her money. Not all of it, but more than she honestly thought she would. More than most, actually. My school directors thought she’d get far less. In the end, she lost around $16K, but having mentally prepared herself for losing $20k, she’s ok with things. Not happy, mind you, but ok with it.

She’s a fairly serial minded girl. Now that that’s over, she can concentrate on the next step. Moving in here with me. After that, she’ll think about actually getting married.

One step at a time.


To is D-Day. The day MyeongHee finds out exactly how much money she’ll lose from the auction of her house. I wrote way back in March of 07 about MyeongHee’s house woes. But to summarize, she put down around $40K in deposit to rent it. Put enough down and monthly rent is free – the owner is supposed to make his money from investing the funds. Well, this guy not only didn’t invest it, he lost it and evidently other assets as well. The bank decided to auction his assets (the place she’s living) to pay the debts.

After a lot of dilly-dallying and whatnot for almost a year, they appear to  have things settled. The auction happened in November and now, the 30th of January, she goes to the government office to find out how much the damage is. The house was auctioned off for a little over $50k, more than enough for her $40k, but there were seven people in line for this guy’s money. No telling what order those people came in or how much they got, but she finds out today at 2pm.  No one believes she’ll get close to her original sum. Most say around half. She’s mentally prepared for half. So, tonight is either going to be a sigh of relief if her expectations are met, or a great wailing and gnashing of teeth if they aren’t.

Stay tuned.