Good News and Bad News

The good news is that I get to upgrade my cable TV.  When we got the new TV, it left me wanting for more. I was getting a few digital hi-def channels, but I like that stuff. Once you get used to watching things in HD, going back just looks grainy and small. So color me spoiled. The premium channels are cheap here, too. For basic, I was paying the equivalent of US$6 a month for about 45 channels. I only watched a half dozen or so since most of them are all Korean. The  others,  CNN, Discovery Channel and a few channels that play movies (Korean and English-language) were just too limited. Now I’ll get a boat-load. For a mere $US30 a month. I even get four months free for signing up. I was paying close to $90 a month back in the states. While I type this, the guy is here installing the works. Maybe I won’t have to be such a pirate anymore and download so many movies and shows.

Now, the bad news. My Fedora-Linux hard drive finally went feet up. That wasn’t entirely unexpected as the drive was close to 5 years old. Fortunately, I didn’t lose any of my files. Those are safely on another drive and backed up regularly. I might have lost a few emails – if anyone sent me any email on 1/4/08 between 9am CST and 5m CST, its gone.  Send it again.

For now, I’m using my Windows-XP (yuck! Or, as they say here in Korea – weck!) until I can download another load of Fedora and reinstall. Being a geek has its benefits – a catastrophic disk failure with minimal, if any, data loss and still able to operate. Others, I’m sure, would likely be buying a whole new system by now.