This little piggy…

hurts like a mo-fo!

I walked into a shop yesterday to buy a little take out lunch to bring up to the mountain for a climbing trip. I wasn’t paying attention to where my feet went and I walked right into a stone step. I hit it right on the end of the toenail on my left big toe and lifted it off the nail bed. I said a few bad words like “gosh” and “darn,” but I don’t think the locals understood me. Probably a good thing. Today it hurts like a beotch and looks like the whole nail will come off soon. Dang! That hurts.

It probably didn’t help that I went climbing anyway, but I’m not just a man; I’m a manly man, so pain doesn’t get in the way of doing my manly things.  Whatever guy ever thought that shit up ought to be whupped.