Dog Days

We’ve hit the dog days here in Korea. Last week was the official 2nd dog day on the 14th. Not only because of the heat, but because they actually eat dog (since dogs don’t sweat, they figure that eating one will help a human, too.)

It’s been wickedly hot and humid the past several days. It feels warmer than Texas ever was because a) its more humid and b) I only have air-con (they leave off the –ditioning part of the word) in my bedroom. That’s fine if I want to sleep or just read a book, but watching TV or jacking around on the computer is just a sweaty mess.  Late evenings are ok, but nothings going on. Early mornings are ok, but once the sun is up its brutal again.

This weekend we went to the beach to cool off. So did a million other people. Still it was nice with the ocean breezes cooling things off by 10pm or so. We went to the mountain streams on Sunday, but there were so many people with the same idea that we coulnd’t find a parking spot without walking long distances. We ended up just driving through the mountains with the AC on full. Today, when I got back to school, several students told me they’d gone to the theater and watched three or four movies – just to stay in the AC.

It’s already the 20th of August, so the heat won’t last too much longer. Good thing, too, because my supply of good books won’t either.