Nothing like a hammer to the nose to fix things up right!

I went today to have surgery done on my nose. Ever since last year’s fall during a rock-climbing trip, I’ve had a hard time breathing through my left nostril. I’ve had numerous infections that I had been just writing up as allergies or sinus trouble, but the Dr. here said it all stemmed from having my nasal passage partially blocked. Apparently, the closed-in spaces provided a nice, warm, wet spot for infections to stay.

So today, the ENT Dr. took a hammer to the inside of my nose and reshaped the bones. I have to say, that’s quite a feeling of letting go: when there’s two people hovering over your face – one with a chisel & one with a hammer – and just closing your eyes and letting it happen. Only local anesthetics and wide awake, watching the hammer fall. That was different.

After the Fall - 2006

Here’s how I looked last year, after falling and hitting my face (and other body) parts on some rocks. (No, I wasn’t actually rock-climbing when I did it, I was hiking back to the top of the crag on a narrow foot path and slipped.)

After the Hammer - 2007

Here’s how I look today, with my face stuffed full of gauze and cotton swabs. I feel like someone parked a large truck up in there. My boss gave me the day off today and I’m supposed to rest. I plan on catching up on some reading. The Novocaine will wear off soon and I won’t feel like writing much.

Ok, I’m going to rest now. Nite nite.

p.s. the whole ordeal only cost me about $180 – no insurance needed. What do you suppose that would cost in America?