Happy Birthday to Me!

If I were Korean, I’d be 49 already and turn 50 in January. Koreans are one year old when they’re born and change age on January 1st.. Consequently, they’re at least one, sometimes almost 2 years, older than their real, chronological age. I believe I’ll keep my American style age and stay right were I am – a healthy, happy 49.

MyeongHee bought me a pair of new headphones for my iPod today. My old pair had just worn out. She got me a pair of the fancy noise cancelling Panasonic earbuds. They’re very comfortable. Now, when I ride my bike the noise of the wind doesn’t interfere with my music. The special electronics cut out wind, car and plane noise but they still allow me to hear the screams of agony of the taxi-drivers who make the mistake of endangering me with their shitty driving.

This was a good present, too – a video from Jessica and her lovely babies.

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This player is editable, so you can remix this video if you want to.  Have fun.

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