See that Peak?

Munsu Mountain
Munsu Mountain

OK, maybe not. It’s a little far off on the distance.  Here’s a zoomed in closeup.


There! See that peak?  That’s Munsu Mountain. I live on the far side of it. I rode the bicycle from there down to this lake with my dog and my friend and business partner, Fin. Part of the way, SaTang rode in the basket on my bike. Fin’s dog, Gay Gogi (Korean for “dog meat”) rode in his backpack.  A good portion of the ride runs through Ulsan Grand Park and the ridge line that runs through the middle of it. During that part, the dogs ran along side us.  They both had fun in the mountains running with us but both came back tired. Dog tired, actually. I’m pretty wore out, too. I biked a total of 35km, and a good part of that was serious hills. While we stopped at the lake, Fin talked to another friend and we made plans for a BBQ.

Fin arranges a bbq lunch at his house while we peddle back to town.
Fin arranges a bbq lunch at his house SaTang chills in the shade

At Fin’s apartment, we made chicken kabobs on the grill. The security dude who lives there didn’t want us to use the grill outside near the apartment.  First, he said it was dangerous. A small, portable gas grill with no charcoal could hardly be dangerous. When we explained that, he said it was because the students that live there wouldn’t like the smell of cooking meat. Then we challenged him on his obvious anti-foreigner stance and accused him of not wanting us to grill because we are foreigners.  After riding that far I was in no mood to take shit from some guy who really couldn’t come up with a reason why we shouldn’t.  I got in his face and accused him of bias and he walked back inside. If you white people who read this have ever wondered what it must be like to be a black person in America, come to Korea sometime. You’ll see how it feels to  be discriminated against.

Despite that small moment of Korea’s ugly side, the day was fabulous. The weather was awesome, the hills wicked and the dogs frisky. But damn, I need a leg massage tonight.

A small pagoda style picnic area on the ridge along the lake
A small pagoda style picnic area on the ridge along the lake

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