Back to School Daze

Today the elementary schools are back in session. For the last 5 weeks or so the playground and streets have been filled with munchkins playing. Now that winter vacation is over its quiet again in the morning. I have been taking SaTang out to play at the park in the mornings and there’s always been kids around who want to play, too. She’ll miss that. She loves kids.

Although the elementary schools have been out, most private schools like mine have been in. Kids still go to their piano, English or Taewkondo classes during breaks. Although Koreans are big on Education, it has the added benefit of knowing your kids aren’t running around misbehaving. It’s almost as if they are in day care as they’ll go from one private school to the next throughout the day.

This week will be tough in our school. This kids will be worn out and not wanting to do much. I’ll have to bark a few times to get their attention.  There are times when they zone out  that I need to throw an eraser at them to get them to pay attention. I can’t do that, so I’ve decided to bring a small, high-powered LED flashlight. Just a quick flash in the eyes to wake ’em up. Should be good for a few laughs, too. No one ever said Martin Teacher’s classes were boring 🙂

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