
Have you been to Ulsan online yet? I’ve been speding lots of time lately on the site writing code, formatting, editing and even writing articles. I hope to write more articles, but lately its been down-and-dirty geek stuff. I’m not complaining, because as a geek, that’s fine for me.

The work I did for the Ulsan Pear and, briefly, for the Korea Sun, were all volunteer. This one has been, too, so far, but that may be about to change. We’ve reached the point where we have enough content to get some of the local businesses to pay for banner ads and other forms of advertising. I might actually make some coin in this venture. Not enough to get rich, but it might be enough to buy me a beer or two.

One perk I get so far is a discount on the bar at Benchwarmers, a local sports bar and one of our partners. I also get to advertise for MyeongHee’s hair shop, listed on the same page.

Check out the site and tell me what you think.  Should any of you actually want to visit me here, it might give you a decent idea of what living here is like. This blog has only my experiences, not the breadth of experiences of dozens of expats like me.

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