SaTang Gets Lucky

I had brought a large sheep skin with me when I came to Korea in 2007. Circe had given it to me a few years ago as a Christmas present. Its great to sleep on in the winter when its really cold at night. It’s snuggly. I had it stored above an armoir over the summer and during one of the heavy rains earlier thisĀ  year the room leaked and it got wet. I hadn’t noticed for a while and when I did it was too late – a large chunk of it was mildewed and funky. Large chunks of the hair just fell off the skin.

For a while, I wondered what I could do with this half sheepskin, half moldy skin. I cut off the moldy part and what was left was too small for a bed and the sofa. Too big for the one chair we have. This Christmas it came to me. I took a large box from my recent trip to Costco and threw in the remains of the sheepskin. Since it used to be on my bed, I’m sure it still has some of my smell (funk?) on it. SaTang immediately jumped right in a made herself home.

SaTang's New BEd
SaTangs New Bed

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