Bastards and Shitheads

I’ve written before on how lousy Korean drivers are. That’s not some stereotypical rant, but an attitude born of experience. Nearly every day I get on the road is an experience in incompetence, ignorance and even vehicular effrontery. While the average Korean driver that violates what most would consider decent driving is merely ignorant or not paying attention, its the taxi drivers and bus drivers that earn my particular scorn. They are truly malicious in the pursuit of their daily bread. Everyone needs to make a living, I understand that. But to treat all others and all rules with the disdain and lack of respect they do is beyond belief.

Since July I’ve been riding my bicycle several times a week to stay in shape. While I try to stay on the side roads, mountain paths, farm roads and walking/biking paths, it’s not always possible. Sometimes I have to get on a real road. Nearly everyday that I do, I watch a taxi driver or bus driver run a red light, turn left from the right lane, turn right from the left lane, cut someone off or turn a blind corner without so much as slowing down. Buses are actually the worst, for their 50 ton bulk would crush any that oppose them and they drive with that in mind. But taxis are more numerous and therefore their violations more frequent.  Many times, I watch from a distance and just shake my head as these bastards and shitheads run roughshod over the roads.

Sometimes, despite my vigilance, it is I that am the victim of these road warriors. More than once have I been cutoff, forced to the curb or come to a screeching halt. I remain unintimidated. I have taken to carrying protection: bricks, bats, flamethrowers and grenades – figuratively speaking, of course. Force appears to be the only thing they understand. Most won’t even get out of the protective surroundings of their vehicle. Being six foot and 230 lbs seems to act as a deterrent. Even if one does I am not terribly worried, even though most of them have studied Taekwondo or some other martial art. Most Koreans have studied English, too, but few can actually speak it. Without providing incriminating details, I’ll just say that more than one taxi and bus driver has left the scene humiliated. The shitheads.

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