I’m Purple!

Or damn close to it. On the tail-end of my week vacation we spent the weekend at MH’s mom’s house on the coast. Like a dork, I spent about 1 1/2 or so hours in the sun with no sunscreen or shirt. I might have a picture later. Right now I can’t imagine even moving enough to pose for a picture. My back is really red.

It was fun, though. Her house is just a few steps from the beach and we played in the surf for a while.
We also ate a lot. We went with three of MyeongHee’s friends and two of their granddaughters. We had 7 people in the car! Like most Korean women they all planned food/drinks and whatnot so there was lots to eat. I ate everything they made – except for one thing. The Snails! I still squirm at the way the women, even the little girls, plucked these spiral wormy-looking snails from their green mossy shells and drank the juices from it before devouring the snail. I couldn’t get past the slimy moss on the shells. I couldn’t think of eating one. My dog wouldn’t eat it either. I have that on film.

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