
While I was waiting for MyeongHee to finish working on Christmas Day I had time to ponder why I was alone in my apartment, half a world away from my family. Christmas has always been a very family-oriented day for me and I was feeling a little down about not seeing them.

It didn’t take me long to reflect, though, on where I’ve been and what I’ve seen during all the time I’ve been away. I came to Korea, not to get away from anyone or anything, but rather to see the world. Being here gives me an opportunity to see places that I’d never be able to see if I were still home doing the 9-5 with two weeks of vacation every year. I thought I’d compile some pictures of just some of the places I’ve been able to see since 2004 when I began traveling.

Making this video was beneficial in two ways; it helped pass the time alone while my girlfriend was at work on a holiday, and it helped to remind me of why I’m across the globe away from my family.

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