Beijing! Day Two

This was Monday, July 30th. We went to first Tian’anmen Square and then on to the Forbidden City. The Square was large, but otherwise unimpressive. The Mao Mausoleum was closed (as were many structures around town) for renovation in preparation for next year’s Olympics. The other structures were simply monuments to the glory of the people and its armies and revolutions. A lot of wasted space, in my opinion, especially since they aren’t going to be allowing the students to have demonstrations again like they did in 1989.

Adjacent to the Square is the Forbidden City, a place where for centuries only the Emperor, the Empress, concubines, and government officials were allowed to go. Just as commoners were not allowed in, some of the royal court did not go out and spent their entire lives within the walls. Two of the largest structures, as you will see in the video, were undergoing renovation and the scaffolding marred the view. Understandable, given the timing, but lamentable nonetheless. The Forbidden City was still quite impressive. Again, I wondered how many royal feet walked the same steps as I, strolled though the same hallways and sat in the same garden. Centuries of history passed through this place and its magnificence was intoxicating despite the renovations.

The Square and the Forbidden City encompassed what seemed like miles of walking. The heat and humidity was oppressive and we were soaked in sweat. The bus ride to dinner only served to chill the sweat on our shirts and not really cool us off. After dinner, we went to an acrobatic show which was excellent. The costumes were bright and colorful and the acrobats were talented.

Plate Balancing

This tiny little lady balanced several stacks of plates on every part of her body while she twisted herself around the platform. I don’t think I’ve seen one so bendy as her. She could hold a platter on the sole of her foot and twist herself around from stomach to back and even her head without so much as a jingle. Bendy’s helpers

This is probably one of the best shots I took of the evening – the clarity, the costumes, the cuties…too much.

Arm strengthAlthough the photo is a bit fuzzy, I kept it anyway. This guy balanced on one hand as he walked/hopped first down the steps from the platform, and then back up again. The strength and balance it must take to do jumping, one-handed push-ups has to be extreme.

Bicycle Girls

These girls did all manner of tricks on their bikes. At times, it was hard to tell who was riding and who was driving.

By the end of all this, we were more than ready for an early bed time. Day three we would be on our own, exploring Beijing without the benefit of our guide but at the pace we wanted.

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