When’s the last time you had…

A big-ass bucket o’ chicken feet?

Chicken Feet

Well, friend, that’s too long!

I found these little lovelies at one of the vendors in the outdoor market that happens every five days here in Cheonsang. He usually just has chickens, either whole or parts, and hasn’t carried the feet before. He only had a dozen or so chickens for sale, so he’s either been saving these babies up, or there’s a boatload of chickens hobbling around the farm on crutches. Of course, its entirely possible the chickens have been to Six Flag in KY recently, too. 🙂

I find it odd that they keep animals parts like this just out in the open, in a box. The weather was blazing hot when I snapped this picture (on my poor quality hand phone camera). Our health inspectors in the US would have a field day. But if anyone here gets sick from eating chicken that’s been in the sun all day, it doesn’t make the news. It’s SOP here. It makes me wonder if Americans a) worry too much, b) have much more sensitive digestive systems, c) have been suckered into having extensive inspection costs added to our food or, d) Koreans just don’t understand the dangers and have been lucky so far.

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