Going Postal

Or not, I suppose the title should be. I’ve just about lost all faith in the Korean postal system to ship packages. Twice in the past three months I’ve had occasion to use their services and I’ve found them lacking. The recipient of the packages I’ve sent, in contrast, has found nothing. Twice I’ve sent cases of Ramen soup to Sam, twice they’ve not arrived. The second still could be enroute, but its been long enough that for the price I paid for airmail it should have arrived. At least one package has not arrived, either. Former roomie Xiomara said she shipped something a long while back but I have yet to see anything arrive.

Of course, its more than difficult to lay blame on any one place. It may not be the fault of the Korean postal service. Having no insight into their inner workings, I simply have to take them at their word that what I pay them to send for me for will arrive.

I can’t help but think, however, that somewhere there’s some old crone slurping up the noodle soup I sent, all the while cackling at the exorbitant price I paid to ship some cheap Ramen junk food soup while her cousin Lee Fuk You ships daily to K-Town in Dallas for a fraction of the cost.

I think I’ll start sending DHL or something from now on.

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