And another

Dammit! Yet a seventh speeding ticket arrived in the mail today.  Woo frickin’ hoo!  Happy damn 4th of July and hooray for technology.

The good news I recently learned is that multiple speeding tickets don’t do anything but cost money. Other things like running red lights and such will earn you points. Earn enough points, I suppose, and you win a trip on the Wheel of Torture, a grueling 5 km ride of being pulled through the backwoods chained to the rear bumber of a Korean mini-bubble car.

This one was photographed last week, before the big haul of 5 in one day (That was a banner day here in my house, let me tell you.) It just arrived in the mail today, so its not like I haven’t been electronically spanked enough and am still driving fast. I’ve been driving like a Grandma this past week. Enough, already! I give! Uncle!