Dragon Boats on the 4th

I did a little boating on Saturday. Ulsan city is having a dragonboat championship this week and a groups of us foreigners entered ourselves in the race.  There was 19 of us in what is essentially a very long canoe.  17 were slaving away on either the right or left side, one was drumming a beat and the last steered the beast. We are scheduled for a 500m run, so we did 4 practice runs today. Our team name is “Resident Aliens.”

The weather held just long enough for us to finish, but it started as a beautiful sunny day.  It’s been raining almost everyday for a week or so, but there’s periods of sunny humid stuff in between.  We just barely finished our 2k and got home when it started to rain in buckets. While we were on the water it was warm and sticky and I got soaked in my own sweat. I didn’t get any pictures today, so click the link and see what kind of boat we’re paddling.

I was considering going to a foreigner beach party this evening, but the intermittent heavy rain made that a no-go. As I write this, it’s 10:30pm, its cleared off again and will likely be a sunny morning. And if it is, another bit of sport.

Tomorrow I’ve got a 30km ride scheduled. We’re going with the owner of a local bicycle shop. He is one of our sponsors on my other endeavor, UlsanOnline.com., and this is part fun, part marketing event. He’s genuinely a very nice guy, speaks English fairly well and looks exactly like Jimmy Smits.  And he runs a top shelf bike shop. I hope to have some pictures from the ride share later.

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