More Ridiculousness

The beef thing just keeps on giving. The past few days there have been enormous protests in Seoul over the US beef deal. Not much going on here in backwater Ulsan, but the capital is awash in ludicrous behavior. Thousands of people have swarmed into the streets to protest against the government for agreeing to import American beef. Why? Mad Cow and the possibility that one might get a fatal disease.

Here’s just one snippet of video from the recent protest in Seoul. Looks like fun – if you’re into pain.

And don’t forget – all of this despite the fact that NO Americans and NO Koreans have EVER died from Crutzfeld-Jacobs, the human form of Mad Cow. The incredible ignorance displayed by the protesting Koreans is stupefying.

But there might be a plausible explanation for all of this madness (pardon the pun.) A recent test of Asian countries using the International English Language Testing System found that Korea ranks 19th of 20 countries in English language ability. Were these ignorant masses able to read English better, they might actually get the facts about how safe American beef is and what hogwash the Korean news media keeps running about how unsafe it is.

Now, where’s my hamburger?

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