Don’t Forget to Vote!

Not a problem here in Korea. We get a day off on December 19th just to make sure we vote. I say “we” in the general sense, as I personally am not allowed to vote. In America, you’ve got to either go early before work, find time during work or after work before the polls close to get your vote in. Not surprising, therefore, that voter turnout in America amounts to less than 50% of the voting age population. In the last recorded presidential election here in Korea, nearly 92% of the voting age population voted. These numbers come from the IDEA, The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance.

It makes me wonder if Americans would be encouraged more to vote if it was made it a national holiday as it is here. I personally feel there’s too much ignorance and apathy in the US.  As for me, I just don’t know and I don’t care.

In the meanwhile, I’m going to enjoy my day off tomorrow. Maybe I’ll do some Christmas shopping. Retail stores, restaurants and bars won’t miss out on a few million Koreans out and about for a day.

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