Rapid Decay

Whether it’s due to the rambunctious nature of kids, poor engineering or both I can’t say. I have seen evidence of both.

The new playground they built across the street from me is rapidly falling apart.  They just finished remodeling it in June and in October its not only falling down it looks dangerous. Sharp edges protrude from the fencing and chain link hangs open, waiting to poke and scrape.

The goals

I first noticed the net was torn back in August. Some of it looked like it was cut on purpose, but I had also witnessed many of kids pull it aside to go in and out of the soccer field rather than walk 20 meters to the gate. At first it was a few holes here and there. Now its so shredded it  as to be worthless.

The interior fence

The interior fence, the one that keeps the play away from the spectator benches came down early last week. I don’t know how it started as I just noticed it one morning as I walked the dog. Over the next several days I watched several kids climb on, sit on the bent portions and even pull it down further so more could sit. I  shoo’ed several kids off when I saw them destroying it, but as soon as I was gone they were back. Although the kids are respectful to adults and shoo easily, they are like flies; a wave of the hand gets them off your picnic basket, but immediately back when you stop.

The gate on the outer field is coming off the hinges. This is an example of poor engineering. It’s not as if someone unscrewed it or took it off the hinge – this is a welded piece that simply snapped. Perhaps it was the weight of children who did it, but one would think metal of this gauge would stand up better.

This is my first experience with actual, willful  vandalism in Korea. It’s more than a little disheartening. Since the park is so new, I doubt there’s going to be another remodeling soon. There might be some repairs coming, but my bet is on a further decline.

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