Early Arrivals

We weren’t counting on having pups for another 5-7 days. I counted days, the vet counted days and SaTang was only 56 days into a pregnancy that should normally be 60-63 days. But she started panting and being unable to lay down last night so we put her into the whelping box and sure enough, within an hour puppies were here.


I think it was around 1:30 when the first pup slowly came out. The 2nd was right behind, coming within 30 minutes. A 2nd pair arrived an hour later within minutes of each other. Since the vet told us only 4 pups, we thought she was done. We went to bed at 4am. She seemed fine. And I guess she was. She let loose another pair  sometime before MyeongHee got up at 6:30.  So we have 6 pups. 4 girls, and 2 boys. 3 mostly white, one with a few brown spots and two mostly brown spotty ones.

This morning, I went to the vet here in the neighborhood and he said to feed her beef and seaweed soup about 5-6 times today. Luckily, my mother-in-law is staying here this week and quite able to whip up a little Miyeok guk as it’s called here. She snarfed that up and is now resting comfortably with her 6 pups.