Body Work

The last time a Korean taxi-driver wasn’t paying attention and nearly ran me and my bicycle over he went away with a bruised ego and nose.  This time, it’s a different type of body work.

Yesterday, as I cruised through the small city streets a particularly unfocused taxi driver dared to brave the streets in front of me. He had the brilliance to be talking on his cell phone (not hands free) with his left hand holding up the phone, which blocked his view from oncoming traffic – me. Not that looking for oncoming traffic is a specialty of Korean taxi drivers, but this one was particularly ignorant.  Between talking and driving and not paying attention to the road he pulled out of an apartment complex directly in front of me. Luckily there was no oncoming traffic in the left lane for me to dodge for I swerved far out to the left to avoid him.  I cursed him soundly and kicked the shit out of his car.  Naturally, he was quite surprised to see me right next to his window and in his shock stopped the car.  The asshole couldn’t even mutter an apology in Korean he was so surprised.  With his eyes still wide in shock, I loudly told him, in Korean, to next time look before he turns into a street. I suspect that either by the end of his shift, or even the next morning he’ll register even more surprise when he finds the men’s size 12 biking shoe dent in the side of his car.