Lasik – 9 years later.

Lately, there’s been some news regarding Lasik floating around. CNN had a story today on the horrors of the surgery itself, affecting perhaps 1% of those who undergo the procedure. I had no issues with my own surgery and for years everything was just fine. The last year or two, however, I’ve noticed some deterioration of my vision. I doubt it has anything to do with the surgery and it’s just another sign of aging. My eyes had continually gotten worse before Lasik, although sometimes quite slowly. That appears to be the case again; Just continued degradation.

I finally admitted that time was simply catching up to me and decided to act. I went and got a pair of glasses. I don’t need them indoors or watching TV, but driving was sometimes a problem, particularly when I had to read highway signs rapidly to find my way. I was getting awfully close to some street signs before deciding it was or wasn’t the right way to go. When I realized MyeongHee was reading signs a good 100  meters before I could I figured it would be better to admit my aging rather than stay in denial.

Since I live here in Korea, I’m limited to prevailing Korean eyeglass styles. I probably would not have chosen these back in the States, but here…what the hell. I may as well look like a Korean.


Total price for these glamorous specs? About $95, including examination. No insurance, no discounts, no appointment required and 20 minutes later I was examined and had them selected. One day later, I’m a four-eyes again. At least only occasionally.