Leavin’ on a jet plane…. it’s almost time to go.

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Ah ha!! See what happens when your bestest friends waits for you to cat nap so she can write in your blog that YOU left open?


Marty, this visit has been awesomely comfortable with loooaaadddsss of time just hanging out and chatting up to find out where we have grown. Discovery of wonder in my friends great love for his Lady MH (affectionate name I have used for her since day one :)…and okay also because I am afraid I will spell her name wrong. MyeongHee, if I do not spell it correctly then please blame Martin.)

I managed to pull a couple of practical jokes on my friend during his stay. Then a last minute gab party to say ¨until next check in¨ which endeared friends that braved teh weather to show up at my apartment for a relaxed and full of talk party.

Now it is 3:56 AM on 2/16/08

I have to get Marty up in 2 hours to go home to Korea.

I will miss my bestest friend very much. I am SO very happy for him and his new adventure of Life with MH. It promises to be full of laughter, love, cooking, and cuddles.

Perfect for what Marty deserves. MyeongHee deserves the very best also.

I am not prejudiced but see the truth. I hear the love for MH in Marty’s voice. I am so happy he has peace when he is at her side. I could not have found a better one myself, bucko. I look forward to my pictures of MH and Marty. Stories of how they spend the spring exploring with SaTang the Wonder Pup. I have not known Marty to be so happy and peaceful and I am so pleased to have been selfish enough to call DIBS on him staying with me.

I missed you dearly my friend and you made my heart feel better about my loss of Leslie (whether you knew it or not).

Oh… btw, MH…not much changes about Marty, I see. Marty slept on the couch the WHOLE time. He still sleeps in that scary dead pose. I have pictures but cannot figure out how to add them to his blog…..yet 🙂

He ALWAYS was sleeping on the couch when we were roommates. Frustrating when you want to watch TV 🙂

Bless his snoring huge heart
