Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to all the Americans reading this. Today is Thanksgiving.

While all my family and friends gorge on turkey and stuffing, I’m in school administering tests. Today is “100 Word Test” day. The lower level classes get a single Korean word they have to translate to English. The mid and upper level classes will get complete sentences in Korean they must translate. So, I have my own holiday of sorts today. I’ll sit back with a book while the kids struggle over their tests. No teaching, no helping. Just pass out tests and wait for them to finish.

And speaking of finish, I’m still waiting for the carpenter to finish the new bedroom. He did the bulk of the work yesterday, but still has to put wall paper on and finish out the trim.

Making walls

Above, he cuts away part of the metal support to make room for the door frame.


He should be finished today sometime. When I come back home from school, I expect there to be a finished bedroom with the rest of the veranda cleaned up and his trash gone.