I’m the King of the World

Just a little self-aggrandizement. I was belaying Bryan, a relatively new climber, from the heights when my pal Jack snapped this photo. The climb is only a 5.9 but its very long, stretching almost 40 meters.  I had already done my climb here, in addition to leading 3 other routes, and was feeling pretty manly.

Wind in my face, cliff to my back

It is rather invigorating up there, standing at the precipice. The wind in your face, the cliff to your back, and a half-dozen Koreans nearby on the trail to the temple in awe of our prowess, telling us how brave, good and handsome we are.

An hour or so earlier, Bryan and I are caught in a rather more pensive mood. We were relaxing a bit having just done a couple of hard routes when Ji-Gyoung, Jack’s girlfriend, took this picture.

Some Rock Star Album Cover

It’s not often I’m in front of the camera. I thought I’d share.