About the pictures in the banner

I’m using the Doogate-Maroon WordPress theme. WordPress has some nice features that allow some seriously cool things, like customizing your code to link to Flickr. The images above are pulled from Flickr automatically while the html is generated automatically by the PHP scripts that define these pages. I merely put in a keyword, in this case “Ulsan” and it brings up random pictures from any user whose pictures have the word ulsan associated with it. Slick. Massively slick. 

I sometimes miss being able to program from scratch like that, but I’m content for the time being hacking their code to my own nefarious ways.

Another Year, Another Blog

A new journey calls for a new blog. Welcome to MartyPants.US/Korea, Marty’s blog on his 2nd trip to the Land of  Morning Calm.

I plan on having quite a bit more pictures and video than the last time, primarily because I’m not contrained with the website I write on. This time I decided to just buy a server rather than go with a blogging service. Even if they are free, I like the absolute control I have with my own virtual host.  I hope to be able to create several photo galleries, some streaming video and audio clips to more accurately convey a life abroad.  

So, bookmark this page and come back often. I’ll show you what its like to live in Korea. Maybe you’ll tell me about your life – feel free to comment and leave trackbacks. Â